Today on the blog I would be sharing a poem written by Daikpor Immaculata.
After reading this poem, I was certain this was going to replace the short story scheduled to go up today.


Immaculata is a wonderful 14 year old writer. This poem was written for her Sister’s graduation and aimed to depict someone who was relieved to be leaving the restrictions of school but scared of what would be faced in the real world.


To leave and not look back

To stand tall and not fear with

sighs of relief triumphing over

cries of anguish.

To strive hard and soar higher;
But with snatches of trepidation

and child-like resistance

atypical of a mature me

Like a foreigner at cross roads

with many signposts available

But yet faint at heart.
Share the toil with me, oh ancient one

Show me the least heavy burden,

if that does exist

Ease a little, won’t you

of my pains

Leave me in despair

now will you?
But were I to fall by the roadside

would you pick me up?

Or if I were ensnared by the eagles

of that world into which I venture,

would you save me?

And my bones broken and flesh left to rot,

even then, will you save me?

Speak clearly for I hear not your assurances.
Let me be, then, for you deceive me.

What is that you say?

I can overcome it?

May I ask, may that be your assurance?

Speak a little louder, ancient one

for all depend on your words

I hear it again

You say I’m strong and fearless

but also defenseless, or aren’t i?
Yet you say I must try, that I must not give up.

Well, listen to this, me,

whom you have molded into firm clay,

whose ears have become full with those

wise words of yours;

Try, I must and try I will

For I know you will not hold my hand but let

me fall, that I may stand again on these feet

So, give me now, ancient one all that I need

That when the bus breaks down,

I may be able to trek.

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